Your account is : Subscriber

Hello !

  • Congratulations, you have successfully registered and logged in as a Subscriber.
  • As a Subscriber you can only test our services.
  • To use this service you must have the role of Contributors
  • Please contribute your little effort by spending $5 for 1 month, to join us in building the system.
  • Once you have made a donation in the Paypal table below, please be patient while we convert your Contributors role (with a maximum time of 24 hours).
  • Once your Contributor role is activated, the payout table will disappear, you can use the Pro service!
  • If you have transferred $5 to support us but after 24 hours your Contributor (Pro) account is still not activated, please contact us for support. Because there are many people whose transfer email information is different from the email information registered for the Pro service on
  • Attention! You should only make a payment once a month. After 24 hours, the account has not been activated Contributor (Pro). Please contact us for support. Do not try to pay more!

Note! We will convert the account role based on the Email address paid on Paypal. In case you use another Email to register, please contact us for support.

Email :

Thank you very much for your contribution. We are committed to using the money raised from this service to build and develop the system. Thanks you !